The Penny Challenge

You know what makes me happy? Well, a lot of things make me happy but there's one thing that can take that happy place away from me very quickly and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this one. It causes rifts in marriages, heartache, sleepless nights, and worry lines.

So, what is this happiness thief that happens to be on my mind right now?


The holidays were beautiful! Amazing decorations, foods fit for a King that are only eaten once a year, traveling to friends and family near far, and lots and lots of gifts. It was all so much fun and will leave you with memories that will last a lifetime but now on January 2 you find the only thing in your wallet is cobwebs.

That is the happiness thief I am talking about.

I live within my means and only use cash. I learned a long time ago the pitfalls of having credit card debt and once I got out of that I vowed never to go down that rabbit hole again. I also save as much as I can because I also went through the dark tunnel of crippling medical expenses when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 32 years old. Cash is king in my life. But after giving my family and friends the holidays of a lifetime every year I tend to always feel a cash crunch and this quickly steals my holiday cheer.

So what's a smart girl like me to do? Every year I sit and ponder how to avoid this situation next year. Make more money, put more in my savings, and spend less. Seems simple right? And not very creative.

This is year, as I thought about this annual conundrum, I came across a very fun and easy way to fix my after the holidays cash crunch.


What is the Penny Challenge?

Every day for the next 366 days you will pay yourself first( It's a Leap Year). Grab a jar, make it yours if you like and begin the challenge.

Day 1: you save $.01. You can totally do that
Day 2: you save $.02. Easy peasy
By Day 100: you put a $1.00 in the jar. Getting a little harder but still you can do it!
By Day 200: you are putting $2.00 in the jar everyday
By Day 366: you are putting $3.66 in the jar everyday

Days 200+ will be a little challenging but just think of how happy you will be on January 2, 2017 with that extra cash in your jar!

BOOM! Extra money in January! And it will seem so easy!

You can use it to take your kids sledding, to an indoor waterpark, bowling, lazertag, have a nice dinner with your Hubby, or just take advantage of all those after Christmas sales like the Victoria Secret Semi-Annual Sale! 

Sounds good now right?

So who's in with me? Let's stop that happiness thief who visits right after Santa and Father Time each year. 



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