Dance It Off With Kim gives the gift of dance to breast cancer survivors in October

Reposted from (October, 2011)

Diagnosed with cancer in 2004, I have seen many heroes.  I have witnessed those who save lives, those who fight to save their own lives, and those who inspire others to live life to the fullest despite adversity.  I have also found that through tragedy and struggle the greatest triumphs can be found.  In every small town, every soccer Mom suburb, and in every bustling city quiet heroes live amongst us.  They are our hometown heroes.  They don’t wear capes, they live a low key life, and their super powers aren’t like those written in comic books but each and every day they save lives, change lives and inspire others to do the same.

The powers these hometown heroes have are often fueled by their passion and their ability to overcome adversity.  They take the good, the bad, and evil and turn it into something inspiring.  Often times they don’t even realize they are doing it.  They blend into the city streets, the soccer fields, and the backdrops of America but they are actually the backbone of America, helping make a positive difference in and around their communities. These unsuspecting heroes make positive lasting footprints in the sand as they journey through their own lives.

I have met one such hero.  She doesn’t look like an ordinary comic book hero and I have never seen her wear a cape.  Her super powers lie in her ability to motivate and inspire others to lead healthier and happier lives.  She inspires others to make positive changes in themselves, giving them the gift of health and happiness and a life of longevity.  All the while she uses her passion and her energy to raise awareness and much needed funding for various health related causes.

Kimberly Stover stands a mere 5ft. tall but her reach extends throughout the suburbs of Chicago.  She has energy that could light the Christmas lights on Michigan Avenue, and a contagious enthusiasm that could cheer on all of our beloved Chicago teams to victory.  Kim is a wife, a mother and is part of a typical middle class family living in the suburbs but unlike most suburban families Kim and her family have had to overcome several severe medical, financial, and ongoing health related obstacles.
Kim’s son was diagnosed with mitochondrial disease, a genetic disorder that affects every cell in the body except for the red blood cells.  This devastating disease can cause poor growth, muscle weakness, visual problems, learning disabilities, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, respiratory illness, as well as a host of other problems.  Kim’s family had insurance but like a lot of Americans it just wasn’t enough to cover all the medications and surgeries that he would require. It has often taken the support of Kim’s family, friends, and the community to rally behind her to help pay for his care.

That wasn’t Kim’s only hardship though.  She herself would suffer severe illness after a routine hysterectomy.  Fighting endless battles of health and finances Kim found she was tired and overwhelmed with the difficulties.  This is a time where the weak would falter, but Kim was never one to do that.  This pint size fighter wanted to be able to do it all.  She wanted to lift her spirits, pay her medical expenses and those of her two sons, regain her energy and health, and pay it forward to other’s who had helped her through these difficult times.  How would she accomplish that while feeling so forlorn herself?  By sharing something she had always been so passionate about, health and fitness.  And she would share with it with the world of course and so Zumba with Kim South Elgin was born.

Armed with a goal, infallible drive, a passion for dance, and a Zumba mini-van Kim began teaching a new Latin style of cardio exercise in studios throughout the Elgin area.  With her energy and enthusiasm and a fun way to exercise, it wasn’t long before Kim had everyone asking what Zumba was and literally dancing in the parks.  Her client database has grown to over 800.  She started a dance revolution in the Far West Chicago suburbs amongst the young, the old, those who are healthy, and those who need to get healthy.

I was one of those who needed to get healthy.  I entered Kim’s Zumba studio on Doctors orders after suffering from several painful bouts of lymphangitis, directly related to my seven year battle with stage 4 metastasized breast cancer.  My doctor prescribed cardio exercise to help alleviate the swelling and help my lymph system work normally after having several cancerous lymph nodes removed.  As someone who once had a passion for dance I remember enjoying that first class but also remember finding myself in the same position as Kim.  A constant battle of health issues and financial strains due to those issues left me tired and without passion to fight anymore.  For months I didn’t return to the dance studio.

As I went about my daily routine of work and motherhood I would see Kim’s Zumba van and hear whispers of my doctor’s voice in my head.  Guilt always crept in and so did the pain.  I wasn’t getting healthier, I was getting sicker.  My body was dying, my spirit was dying, I was dying.  My family deserved better, I deserved better, and I wasn’t going to give up.  Without strength and passion I wasn’t sure how was I going to do that.

A common trip to the local grocery store found me face to face with the answer to the question.  Starring at me in black and white was a blatant God Wink.  God winks are what I always refer to as God’s way of gently guiding you on your path.  What was actually in front of me was a flyer for Zumba with Kim classes.  Adorned with a pink ribbon and the logo I always saw on her van it proclaimed that breast cancer survivors would receive free classes for the whole month of October in honor of them.

I was touched that a woman facing her own adversities would be so willing to help others that were struggling financially and battling health concerns.  So with no excuses I was back in the studio.  Two months later of Kim kicking my butt into shape I was virtually free of lymph node pain and swelling and the doctor said my immune system had vastly improved.  A wonderful side effect of my new found health hero and her workouts was also my improved energy and a new found fighting spirit.  Kim had brought me back and I was ready to keep fighting, ready to keep living.

Kim didn’t even realize how her inspiration and enthusiasm brought me back to my fight.  She’s too humble and modest.  She also still continues her own fight, with her son’s on 6 medications each, each and every day.  Kim’s super powers have never dimmed though.  Not only does she quietly inspire people like me to get healthy and happy and stay that way, she also works tirelessly to help others in her community by raising funds and awareness for various health charities including Children’s Memorial Hospital, American Heart Association, The Susan G. Komen Foundation, local food pantries, the United Mitochondrial Foundation, and APFED.  She also provides “medical scholarship” cards to those her or her instructors feel might need them, taking some of the financial hardship out of getting healthy.

While getting herself healthy and happy Kim has found a way to use her passion to help others find their way to health and happiness. It may be a woman trying to loose extra weight, needing relief from stress, or the woman who needed to find herself after a recent divorce. It may also be in teaching dance to a special needs class or to raise awareness and funding for a deadly disease. Kim’s enthusiasm and passion helps makes lives healthy and happy and inspires others to pay it forward. She inspired me, a seven year cancer survivor who was losing that will to fight to always strive to be healthy and happy no matter what the obstacles and to use my passion as a tool to achieve that. She also reminded me to always give back to those who have helped you.  I write this story, my passion as a dedication to her for helping me along my journey of health and happiness and in my path to inspire others through my words to become healthy and happy no matter what the adversities. Kim you are a hometown hero, my hometown hero.

Kim will once again be offering FREE Zumba classes to breast cancer survivors during the month of October. If you are a survivor, know a survivor, are a healthcare provider, or caregiver you can also obtain information from Living Beyond Breast Cancer and their free educational resources to help navigate this disease at the Dance It Off With Kim Studio during the month of October. 

For more information on class schedules and all the happenings visit Dance It Off With Kim


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