
Dance It Off With Kim gives the gift of dance to breast cancer survivors in October

Reposted from (October, 2011) Diagnosed with cancer in 2004, I have seen many heroes.  I have witnessed those who save lives, those who fight to save their own lives, and those who inspire others to live life to the fullest despite adversity.  I have also found that through tragedy and struggle the greatest triumphs can be found.  In every small town, every soccer Mom suburb, and in every bustling city quiet heroes live amongst us.  They are our hometown heroes.  They don’t wear capes, they live a low key life, and their super powers aren’t like those written in comic books but each and every day they save lives, change lives and inspire others to do the same. The powers these hometown heroes have are often fueled by their passion and their ability to overcome adversity.  They take the good, the bad, and evil and turn it into something inspiring.  Often times they don’t even realize they are doing it.  They blend into the city streets, the soccer fields, and the

Happy and Healthy, The Heather Way: Tip Tuesday....What are your kids really eating at...

Happy and Healthy, The Heather Way: Tip Tuesday....What are your kids really eating at... : I'm going to start out this blog post by just being real. I am the kid this post is about, well I was. True confession time, when I was ...

Tip Tuesday....What are your kids really eating at school?

I'm going to start out this blog post by just being real. I am the kid this post is about, well I was. True confession time, when I was 10 years old my Mom was going through my dresser drawers. It wasn't the first time she would find something shocking and it certainly wouldn't be the last much to her dismay. I was a very obedient child at least I thought I was, but every now and then just like every other child I went rogue. Having a dresser drawer full of weeks old uneaten peanut butter and jelly sandwiches s defiantly on the rebel side. Boy was my Mom mad! So now you're wondering why was my dresser drawer full of uneaten peanut butter and jelly sandwiches wrapped in cellophane and still neatly packed in their brown paper sacks? I didn't want to eat them, duh! Hindsight is of course 20/20 vision and even as an adult I cannot stand a plain old sandwich. I would rather starve. But in the seventies and early eighties a sack lunch full of ham and cheese or peanut bu

Bust workout boredom with bowling

We are a week into 2016, how are you doing on those New Year's resolutions? I myself am not a resolution kind of gal. I learned at a young age that resolutions are fleeting. I am more of a goal kind of person. At the end of the year, I spend some time reflecting on the good and bad that came from the year. I also always set goals based on that reflection for the upcoming year. This year was no different for me. Looking at my list I had accomplished many of the goals on my list and fell very, very short on others. One of those was to breakup the monotony of my workouts with the thought process that I would enjoy exercise even more, and maybe even learn or practice new skills. My intentions were geniune and there was even movement on taking action last year. I spent some money on Groupons for new activities and events but life and other responsibilities often got in the way. I found myself in the same workout rut due to obligation of just getting that workout in. So, once again

The Penny Challenge

You know what makes me happy? Well, a lot of things make me happy but there's one thing that can take that happy place away from me very quickly and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this one. It causes rifts in marriages, heartache, sleepless nights, and worry lines. So, what is this happiness thief that happens to be on my mind right now? MONEY The holidays were beautiful! Amazing decorations, foods fit for a King that are only eaten once a year, traveling to friends and family near far, and lots and lots of gifts. It was all so much fun and will leave you with memories that will last a lifetime but now on January 2 you find the only thing in your wallet is cobwebs. That is the happiness thief I am talking about. I live within my means and only use cash. I learned a long time ago the pitfalls of having credit card debt and once I got out of that I vowed never to go down that rabbit hole again. I also save as much as I can because I also went through the dark tunn

Help for those New Year's hangovers

You did it! You made it through 2015 and are ready to ring in the new year. You may have just experienced the best year ever or you may be glad to see it go. Either way, you probably will join billions of people around the world who will be celebrating into the wee hours of the morning. Whether you are having a party, going to a big hotel bash, or visiting family and friends, it is easy to overdo new years. You get caught up in the party atmosphere and kissing your loved one at midnight. There's cocktails throughout the evening capped off by a champagne toast when the ball drops. You forget all about the consequences of this....until the next morning. You wake up to a headache, an upset stomach, cotton mouth, and an overall feeling of the flu....the brown bottle flu. It's called a hangover and you probably remember it from your carefree college days. The kids need breakfast and there are football games to watch so what to you do. The experts at  have put

To Detox or not to detox after the holidays

I was in a major drug store yesterday just days after Christmas and just days before New Year's Eve and already the store was changing over to items to help you with some of those health related New Year's resolutions that you may be contemplating. One display of items caught my eye and brought this debate up in my mind once again: to detox or not to detox after the over indulgences of the holidays? A detox or a cleanse is like spring cleaning for your body. During the holidays and quite frankly though out the entire year we consume food that leaves toxins in our body. We also ingest toxins from medications and even the air that we breathe. Our body is a machine and when we become overrun by toxins our machine, like any other, will not perform optimally. Our bodies detox everyday naturally but especially during the holidays when moderation is not necessarily the theme, we can become overly toxic. You may feel tired, bloated, sluggish, and lose concentration. Do these sound