
Showing posts from July, 2013

Staying cool in the summer heat

Many of us love the summer and all the outdoor activities that go along with it. Long walks, playing at the park, sports, swimming, hiking, and so much more. While all all of these activities are very healthy for you, the heat of the summer can actually be a danger to your health. There are more heat related deaths than any other natural weather occurrence including tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods combined. Each year thousands of Americans fall victims to heat related illness. Most often times it is the young and the elderly who are most at risk but heat can have an affect on all of us unless we use our common sense and take precautions. The CDC offers specific recommendations for us to stay happy and healthy during the heat of the summer. To protect your health when temperatures are extremely high, remember to keep cool and use common sense. The following tips are important: Drink plenty of fluids Avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages Wear appropriate clothing